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Do You Have a Septic Tank? Read this! 

Apr 12, 2021

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Do you have off-mains drainage? Does your property have a septic tank or a cesspit? Then the following post is for you. 

The 3 Key Types of Off Mains Drainage 

If your property isn’t connected to the mains sewer network, then your wastewater and sewage will be collected in one of the following: 

1. A Septic Tank

A septic tank is an underground chamber that collects your sewage. Over time, the sewage in this chamber begins to separate into solids and liquids. The solids settle to the bottom, and the liquids flow out from the surface and discharge somewhere else on or off your property. 

2. Cesspit or Cesspool

Unlike a septic tank which discharges liquid, a cesspit or cesspool collects all waste types and requires emptying. When your cesspit gets full, you will need to hire a tanker to suck out all of the sewage and dispose of it.

3. A Sewage Treatment Plant

If you’re lucky, you may have a sewage treatment plant. Sewage treatment plants are a more sophisticated version of a septic tank and ensure that raw sewage is converted to a safe liquid before it is discharged. 

Important Changes to Septic Tank Regulations

In 2015, the government passed new regulations to prevent septic tanks from discharging into surface water such as ditches, streams, canals or rivers. Why are you only hearing about this now? Well, the regulation changes weren’t very well publicised and have only been enforced since the 1st of January 2020. 

How do Septic Tank Regulations Affect The Sale of Your Property?

If you currently have an old septic tank that discharges into surface water, you will need to have it replaced before selling your property. Rather than waiting for a buyer’s survey to pick up the problem, sellers should act fast to prevent their sale from falling through. 

What to Do Next - Advice from Paul Stripp Estate Agency, Battle.

If you have a septic tank or any kind of off-mains drainage and are looking to sell your property, it's well worth having a professional assess your sewage system before putting your home on the market. If the survey highlights any issues, you’ll be able to rectify them before they can affect the sale of your home, and if the survey comes up clean, then this will be a positive selling point for buyers later down the line. 

Below is a list of local drainage companies who will be able to assist you:

Moody Sewage - 01825 890294

County Clean - 01323 741818

MTS -- 01634 250326

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