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Five Favorite Things About Battle According to the Locals!

Jun 08, 2021

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Some time ago, I asked a few of Battle’s loyal locals what their top five favourite things about Battle were, and the response was tremendous! There was so much positivity for Battle even during the pandemic, and our little corner of East Sussex really did pull together. 

So here are the top five best things about Battle according to the local people who live there:

1. Battle Abbey

Besides being a genuinely stunning landmark to have on our doorstep, Battle Abbey is also home to a world-renowned private school and the site of a great English Heritage fun-filled day out. In particular, the Abbey comes alive during the 1066 reenactment when the high street becomes filled with bunting and knights in their armour. 

2. The Abundance of Walks

I’ve already mentioned three of my favourite walks in Battle, but these don’t scratch the surface of the network of footpaths that the area has to offer. Besides the 1066 Country Walk, there are hundreds of short and long footpath trails nestled in the fields and woodland that surround Battle, making it the perfect place for a dog walk or weekend adventure. 

3. Battle’s Community Spirit

During the lockdowns, the community really did pull together. Businesses supported each other, and the locals supported each other too. We even had a photography exhibition displayed on the green depicting lockdown life! We can’t forget the local yarn bombers with their colourful displays and the countless messages posted on the local community Facebook groups. We even had a chap from Durham in full armour walk the original 1066 route to aid men's mental health, arriving on a grey, drizzly evening in the high street to a welcoming committee at the Abbey!

4. The Local Shops

Battle is home to some great businesses, some of which have been on the High Street for decades. We also have a new zero-waste greengrocer, two butchers, an abundance of coffee shops, pubs and restaurants, more hairdressers than you can count, beauticians, florists, bakeries, and homeware shops that sell everything from clothes to cards. Battle also has a mid-size supermarket backed up by two smaller mini-markets which can quickly fulfil your grocery needs. For the avid readers, there’s the local library, a real gem in the town, and we have a bookshop in the high street that has the latest novels and a real variety of books. 

5. Bonfire Night

Finally, this list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Battles' famous bonfire night hosted by the Battel Bonfire Boys. Battle bonfire is renowned for its procession down the high street, incredible firework display and playful effigies. The atmosphere on a cold November night is electric and is the highlight for many people in the town. Even if you do not move to Battle, I suggest you visit this incredible event - you won’t be disappointed!


So there you have it! These were the top five favourite things about Battle, according to Battle’s own locals. What do you find most appealing about the town? 


Please get in touch to find out more about Paul Stripp Estate Agency or if you’d like to move to Battle, East Sussex! We’d love to help you find your perfect property in the TN33 area. 



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